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Critique of pure Reasoner

Essays and commentary related to topics in Tom Reasoner's "Truth and Beauty" blog

Friday, September 24, 2004

North Korea

Nathanael addresses my brief commentary about North Korea (even more) briefly, saying:

North Korea’s bad. But we can’t hit them because they would nuke Seoul, or Tokyo, and kill millions. Right?

Such a laconic statement couldn't possibly state anything like a comprehensive option (nor, I think, does Nathanael intend it as such), but it's a good starting place for discussion to address the implications of this central fact. Having just gotten back from a rough time in the feild, however, I'm not feeling like dropping the analysis bomb. Instead, I'll just treat his statement as if it really represented the totality of Nathanael's thought on the topic.

The fact that Korea has the current and confirmed ability to cause true catastrophe at any moment for any reason is the opposite of a reason to commit all of the the slack in our resources to an unpopular, aggressive action against a regime we have placed in the same rhetorical category. We make them nervous while reducing our ability to counter their actions.

And I never suggested we "hit" North Korea. That this apparently springs immediately to Nathanael's mind as the first choice consequence of focusing on the problem would signal a seriously limited imagination, if he really meant it that way.


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